Back problems at work

The Dutch study into Working conditions 2018, which was carried out by Statistics Netherlands(CBS) and research institute TNO, shows that back problems are the main cause of absenteeism.
It is no surprise to learn that the highest percentage of back complaints is found in the construction sector. Back problems are encountered in this sector because people have to deal with heavy loads. This can involve lifting heavy tools on a daily basis or moving and transporting heavy goods. That is why most back complaints can be attributed to bad posture or loads that are too heavy.
Preventing back complaints
Strengthen muscles
Back pain can be reduced or prevented by using special exercises to strengthen back muscles. It is also important to remain active. This will keep your back muscles nice and supple. For instance, consider walking and swimming.
Responsible lifting
A bad lifting posture increases the risk of back complaints. It is thus important to keep your back straight, not to rotate your body and to bend the knees slightly when lifting. The lifted object must also be kept close to your body.
NIOSH method
The NIOSH method is a measurement technique that determines how much weight employees can lift each time. The method examines the weight of the lifted object and the circumstances under which it is moved. For instance, how often and for how long an object must be lifted, but also the position of the body. This information is part of a formula that is used to calculate the maximum lifting weight according to NIOSH. The maximum weight is 23 kilos, but often amounts to 12 kilos or less because of, for example, demanding conditions.
More information about the NIOSH method and how to calculate the maximum lifting weight can be found on the website of OSHA.
Onboard loading systems are effective tools that allow heavy machines and materials to be loaded into, and unloaded from, transport vehicles. The EasyLoad can be operated with one hand and is able to lift weights up to 500 kg.
Special load lifting tools are available for almost all transport issues, and include metal clamps, lifting straps & slings, drum clamps, pallet hooks and permanent lifting magnets. As a result, loads can be loaded and unloaded by a single person. In principle, this means there is no need for co-driver.
Please check the EasyLoad brochure or contact us for more information or tailor-made advice.